How do I use my Go Coconut rewards?

You can follow this step-by-step guide. It's super simple!
First, you will need to log in here.

Once you log in, you will have access to your dashboard. Here you will find information like your referral code, your referral link, and the balance available!
You can go directly to the "Rewards" tab on the left menu.

On this page, you can enter the amount of the reward you would like to use. It will generate a discount code which you can later use in our store.

Et voilà! You can copy/paste the discount code created and enter it during the checkout to apply your reward.

Remember that referral rewards are valid only on future purchases (excluding gift cards). Self-referrals are not allowed. Rewards may not be combined with another promotion and cannot apply to a past order. Rewards may be terminated or revoked by Go Coconut for any reason, not limited to changing or cessation of the program. Rewards are not transferable.
Go Coconut reserves the right to disable or revoke a user's referral account (including the disabling of current rewards) if it determines that a user's conduct is inconsistent with these terms.
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